Hypnosis For A Past Trauma

“The hypnosis session with Neil was brilliant, he made me feel really at ease from the start. Hypnotherapy has helped me deal with an issue that I thought couldn't be resolved.”

- Gemma H.

Things Hypnosis can Help


Learn new coping strategies to empower you to remain calm. Check out my article on the effects of lack of sleep on mental health here.


Hypnosis is one of the best tools to enable you to increase your confidence in anything you wish.

Corporate Sessions

Whether you're looking to provide one on one sessions or group sessions to your employees, hypnosis can empower them to be the best versions of themselves. Either for mental health or professional achievement.

Fears & Phobias

Most fears and phobias are a learned behaviour in some way. In hypnosis we communicate with the unconscious mind to remove illogical response. 


Relaxation techniques and reframing stressful events are extremely effective in alleviating FMS.  

For Children

Children are known to be the best hypnotic subjects. Hypnotherapy can help children deal with many psychologial and physical problems.

Group Sessions

Group sessions can be fun, therapeutic or both. Teams and parties are the usual types of group sessions; but things like quitting smoking or weight loss group sessions are also common.


Enjoy the birth of your baby with hypnosis by learning self hypnosis so that you can experience a drug and pain free birth.


Insomnia is one of the easiest things to treat with hypnosis. When you think of a hypnotist what is the first word that comes to mind? SLEEP! Check out my article on the effects of lack of sleep on mental health here.

Irritable Bowl Syndrome (IBS)

Tired of running to the toilet? Hypnotherapy can help relax your tummy and your mind so that you can feel comfortable again.


Confidence to come out, dealing with rejection, feel more femininie or masculine, inner acceptance. You are not alone.

Memory Regression

This can be either nice or traumatic. There are two ways to regress a person, associated (first person) or disassociated (3rd person). Both ways can be used to treat or for fun (nice memories). It can also be used for memory recall. 


Tired of getting migraines? Hypnosis can help you with many triggers of migraine.

Pubic Speaking

Want to be able to speak in public confidently and congruently? Learn how to get in the "zone" and blow your audience away. 

Sports Performance

Falling at the final hurdle? Can't quite master that technique? struggle to sleep pre game? Hypnosis is common place in sports at the top level. When a sports person is in the zone, they're thought to be in a trance like state. You just have to know how to get there. 

Stop Smoking

The first question anyone asks when they find out I'm a hypnotist, "can you make me stop smoking?" The answer is No, I can't make you do anything; I can however help you quit if you want. 

Unexplained Infertility

Can't get pregnant but medically you're both fine? Hypnotherapy can help you relax and overcome any conscious or unconscious blocks.

Weight Loss

Tried all the fad diets, pills and shakes and still don't look the way you want? Hypnosis can help you overcome the biggest hurdle of them all, your mind. Find out more here.

What You’ll Get During Your Free STRATEGY Call

During your free hypnosis strategy call we will discuss briefly what your current issue is and what outcome you are looking for. If you're happy to proceed only then will we book your hypnotherapy session
What You’ll Do Before the Call

Be sure to watch the video at the top of this page. Then, if you haven't already; take a look at the drop down of treatments to read a little more about that issue. And the best part is, that list of issues is only a fraction of what hypnotherapy can help with. If you can't find your particular issue, it is still very likely that I can help you achieve your goal.

What Happens During the Call?

During the call I will ask you some questions about the issue you are facing and what outcome you are looking to achieve. Also, I will ask you a few questions to get to know you a little better as a person, for example your likes and dislikes. 

What Happens at the End of the Call

At the end of the call you can either hang up and book a hypnosis session through this website or I can book your session for you.

About Neil

Neil offers a whole person care approach to the people of Yorkshire and surrounding areas. The clinic's focus is to look at the entire individual in a relaxed atmosphere; challenge those unwanted feelings and behaviours and focus on learning new, healthy lifelong habits.

Changes which clients have experienced with Neil's help include; stopping smoking, letting go of past traumatic experiences (traumatic experiences are not comparable. If it caused you upset then it was traumatic to you), overcoming phobias and changing their eating habits. 
Click here to learn more about Neil.

To find out about more available services, have a look through the treatments menu or schedule your 

Neil is a member of the General Hypnotherapy Register and Hypnotherapy Directory.

To find out how hypnosis can help you; book a FREE zoom or telephone strategy call below.

Got a quick question you'd like to ask? Send us an email and we'll get back to you.

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